"It has been amazing to go along this part of our recovery with such amazing positive women"
- Gillian
Our Services
24 Hour Social Media Support

We offer a private Facebook group to all our Diamonds offering 24 hour support and a safe place to ask questions.
Book Club

We regularly host
book clubs and offer the chance for our Diamonds to connect with one another
in a relaxed environment.

Fancy trying
something new? Get involved in retreats with our Diamonds!
Family Days

Join us for one of our many family days! Over the years these have involved days out, black tie events and
Christmas craft shows.

Regular exercise is highly important. We support our Diamonds with workout plans, rehabilitation
and motivation.
Information and Booklets

We have a vast range of informative leaflets and booklets available for anything our Diamonds need support with.
Mobility Equipment

If you find yourself needing mobility equipment, we will offer support in sourcing and getting you going with your mobility equipment.
Partner Support

A cancer journey can take its toll on your partner. We offer a private support group for all the partners of our Diamonds.
Regular Meet-Ups

Keeping spirits high is a must during your journey. So we regularly host our friendly Diamond meet-ups to help!
Training Courses

Training and advancing your knowledge may be something you're interested in. We're here to help with that!
Wig Fitting and Styling

We are here to support you when it comes to wig maintenance, fitting and styling.

We offer regular workshops from arts and crafts and baking to wine tasting as well as moving forward workshops.